As a Muslim-background believer from Egyptian descent who lives in
Mali, Naomi was forced to flee Timbuktu in the north under the jihadist rebellion of 2012. She ended up living in an informal, internally displaced people (IDP) camp in Bamako.
Thanks to your support, we have been able to help her rent a home after the IDP camp was closed. We went back recently to check in on her. While she continues to suffer side-lining in society, she couldn’t wait to tell us that her siblings, who have been a source of trouble from the moment Naomi became a Christian, have become Christians too.
“I have good news! Three of my sisters have become Christians!”
This is a miracle! “At first, they kept mocking me and cursing me. I never retaliated or drove them out of my home. Instead, I showed them love. My sons used to get furious when my sisters insulted me. I told them to not retaliate but to show them the love of Christ. Indeed, the love we showed them has won them over to Christ.”
Despite being a displaced person herself, the Lord has helped Naomi to continue feeding the many mouths at home – nine in total.
“OD gave me support to rent a house and a shop to continue my business. I sold fabrics and jewelry for weddings. The business was going well, but it reached a point when the Muslims stopped visiting my shop. Right now, I make beautiful jewellery for brides and sell them from home. With the money I get from that I cater for my family.”

It is extremely hard to make ends meet, and there were sacrifices to be made. “Youssef was the only one in school, but life became tough last year. He saw how I was struggling to feed them all and pay his school fees, so he decided to leave school. He found menial work at a phone repair shop where he earned a small wage. All was going well until one day when the owner of the shop realized that he doesn’t go to mosque and confronted him. Youssef told him that he is a Christian and was fired. Right now, he is at home without work. Anywhere they go to work they are not accepted because of their faith. They have decided to be church workers, beautifying the house of God. Challenges come every now and then, but God has been faithful to me and my family. ”

Spiritually, this woman of God remains strong. She still loves to sing, and even sang her most beloved chorus to the visitors. Back in Timbuktu she was a choir member.
To all those who have made the support to Naomi possible, she has this to say: “You have been the only family I have known. Since 2018 we have been walking closely. When you heard my story, you came to my house, spent quality time with me and encouraged me. All thanks to you who gave me hope once more. I can now get money to buy food and pay my rent in parts. God bless you so much!”
Please continue to pray for Naomi, her boys and her siblings. Thank the Lord for keeping Naomi strong in the faith and enabling her to respond to her persecutors with love. Thank the Lord for saving her siblings and pray that He will continue to make Himself known to them through Naomi and the rest of the body of Christ. Please thank the Lord for faithfully providing in Naomi’s needs and pray that the family would experience His continued provision for them.
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