Impact Bhutan | 10-9-2024

How your support changes lives in Bhutan


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It’s not often we get to hear about Christians in Bhutan, ranked No. 36 on Open Doors’ 2024 World Watch List. Because the country has relatively few people (Bhutan has a population of only about 777,000), it can be easy to expose the believers’ identity and endanger them. However, we recently heard from an Open Doors partner who helps with training the next generation of Bhutanese believers!

Christians in Bhutan can face heavy restrictions. Because no churches can be legally formed, Bhutanese churches exist in a legal gray area,. As the country’s official religion is Buddhism, converts from Buddhism can face the most difficulties from both their loved ones and the surrounding community.

Our partner Reena* tells us that young people play a significant role in Bhutanese churches. She knows that it is essential to conduct training for Bhutanese Christian youth, strengthening them so that they can continue to follow Jesus in this difficult place.

“In Bhutan, the youth are influenced by worldly things; they are lost in their world of smartphones and dysfunctional relationships,” Reena shares. “Many are enslaved to drugs, [tobacco] and alcohol. All this keeps them away from the Lord and righteous living. These youngsters, as they're not rooted in the faith, are also more likely to give up their faith the moment they encounter any form of persecution.”

Because of this, Reena and other Open Doors partners have been conducting youth empowerment training to help young Christians learn how to walk with Jesus. For security reasons, we can’t tell you when or where the trainings took place—but the impact is profound.

In the most recent seminar, many young people had faced consequences from their families and community for their faith in Christ. One such participant is Wangmo*, 19, from South Bhutan. She shared about the different heroes of faith who inspired her: “Joshua, Joseph and Timothy were all so strong in the Lord, even in their difficulties,” she says. “I am learning to follow their footsteps, even though we have challenges in identifying ourselves as Christians in our communities.”


"[Joseph's] story has inspired me to be holy and strong in every situation and persecution.”

Another young Bhutanese man, Tshering*, found his idea of youth challenged by the examples of biblical figures. “I always thought youth is a phase that is only meant to be enjoyed fully,” he says. “However, I learned here that we must spend our youth serving the Lord. Joseph's life taught me to pursue God and His will always. His story has inspired me to be holy and strong in every situation and persecution.”

Many of the young people who attended rededicated their lives to Jesus. Mary Rai*, a 19-year-old Christian, told us about her experience at the seminar. “The facilitator taught us about young women who surrendered their lives to God,” she says. “I learned many things from their lives and am encouraged to live a pleasing life to God. In addition, I felt blessed when the pastor prayed for me, and I felt delivered from many spiritual attacks."

Yangki Rai*, another 19-year-old female participant, shares: "I want to thank you for conducting such an impactful youth training for us. The training taught me to honour God and respect my parents. Before this training, I used to talk rudely to my parents, but now I have learned that this does not please the Lord. When I return home, I will ask for forgiveness from my parents and try my best to honour them.


“... youth is a precious phase of life and we should serve the Lord at this age.”

Yangqi Rai
“I also learned that youth is a precious phase of life,” she continued, “and we should serve the Lord at this age. This training session greatly encouraged me to live a life that pleases God.”

Norbu*, a 20-year-old male participant, had always tried to run away from God. The training seminar has completely changed his perspective on what it means to follow Jesus in his country. “I realized God loves us and waits patiently,” he says. “This training was eye-opening. I will now repent, turn to God, and follow His steps.”

Your gifts and prayers make this kind of training possible. Thank you so much for standing with the next generation of the church in Bhutan!

*Names changed for security reasons
please pray
  • For the young people in Bhutanese churches, that they will have courageous faith to serve as salt and light in their communities.
  • That these youth can commit their lives to the Lord and walk according to His will. Pray that they keep God's Word in their hearts and overcome temptations.
  • For the holistic development of young believers to be equipped to take up leadership roles in Bhutanese churches.
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